Thursday, December 03, 2009

I just recently discovered these purple carrots, Freaky! Some friends brought over a half gallon of purple carrot juice and it was so tasty, much better than orange carrot juice, now I'm hooked. But these carrots are hard to find. I buy them at Whole Foods in Pasadena. I remember the first time I saw broc-o-flower in the market, that's pretty scary! Soilent green is people! What a screwy world we live in! I just saw a movie called "Penelope" about a girl with a pig snout instead of a nose, everybody screamed and ran away from her, then at the end she got a regular normal nose, I liked her better with the snout, she was cute that way, adorable! Oh well, there's no accounting for taste. Have you heard all the hub-bub about the planet flipping it's polarity? Has to do with the old wobble effect, that's what I call it anyway, you know how the Earth and Moon do that weird wobble thing? I like that it's slated for the exact time the Mayan calendar runs out, 21 December 2012, pretty cool! I usually try to read between the lines, sometimes it's what they're "not" saying that's more relevant, I noticed the scientists are arguing about all the effects that it will have instead of if it's going to happen or not, so I guess that means it's going to happen, cool! Gives me something to look forward too, just when I thought I'd seen everything!

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